Hours and activities: Opening hours: Daily from 6 am to 7 pm The best times to call the Monastery are: between 8 AM and 10 AM between 1 PM and 7 PM Monday thru Saturday Schedule for Monks: 6:00 AM – Morning chanting and meditation, followed by discussion of tasks for the day. 7:00 AM – Light breakfast, […]
An interview with Ajahn Ritthi Thirajitto of Atammayatarama Buddhist Monastery by Santidhammo Bhikkhu Background information: Ajahn Ritthi is the Abbot of Atammayatarama Buddhist Monastery in Woodinville, Washington. He is a monk and Dhamma teacher of the Theravada Buddhist tradition. Theravada, literally the “Way of the Elders”, is the original practice established by the historical […]